Hi Jose,
On 12.09.2018 15:12, Jose Trujillo via coreboot wrote:
I'm not sure what this is about. Did you try to talk to your board's EC? Can you share the code? Or do you run another board's code on your board? That would explain why things go wrong. Also, my usual warning: Never use another board's GPIO settings.
Hello Nico,
Yes, I am using Intel Kabylake DDR4 RVP8 board.
Never use another board's GPIO settings.
Reading the mail list yesterday I saw that warning maybe from you and I will do the correct changes to GPIO just after editing VR settings.
I am just started coreboot several months ago and there is still a lot of road to go for me and still don't understand many things; but I am doing my best to get aligned with the coreboot project.
After the GPIO changes I will check my schematics to check for hardware differences before I flash it into my device.
Thank you ALL for your help. Jose Trujillo
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On Wednesday, September 19, 2018 10:15 PM, Nico Huber nico.h@gmx.de wrote: