I am working on the southbridge portion of my board. Currently I can boot to a bash prompt, but my southbridge peripherals do not work. I am taking a guess that this is a misconfiguration in APIC or ACPI, however this is only a guess.
I've looked through a lot of other southbridges and mainboard to get an idea about how to program this however I am still a bit confused. I'm wondering if someone with more knowledge on this subject than I would be willing to give me some advice.
Does it seem likely that ACPI or APIC misconfiguration would cause my southbridge peripherals to not function?
Any clues as to how to go about programming these sections and how to debug this?
Am I suppose to set the IRQs for my devices explicitly myself or is this taken care of somewhere in the code for me? Right now I am setting them explicitly in i82801db_lpc.c, but whenever I modprobe a device linux says "Disabling IRQ #11".
Thanks for any help. I'll attach my LinuxBIOS output and my linux output.