<#>Hi guys, I have tried in the last few days to debug windows VISTA installation process in different ways. All my tests have been doing using qemu.
At first I tried to debug windows vista using WinGdb, but it seems to work only when windows is already installed since it requires some modifications in the boot.ini file. So was unable to connect wingdb to qemu through a pipe.
My second option was to try to use windows debug mode when pressing F8 during the beginning of the installation process but the only info I found was this:
Debugging Mode: This option turns on debug mode in Windows. Debugging information can be sent across a serial cable to another computer that is running a debugger. This mode is configured to use COM2.
Does anyone knows how to capture COM2 output when using qemu? Maybe using a real hardware makes it easier since I can use a different computer connected to the guest through a NULL cable.
Since I have gotten some random results when using qemu with its original bios, I have been unable to install windows vista on a hard disk image. Yesterday i almost got it but i created a image file too small, Vista requires at least 6Gb. I guess if I get that i'll be able to use wingdb more easily.
On 08.08.2007 15:02, Augusto Pedroza wrote:
Does that mean you can't even get Vista to install without problems in normal Qemu?
Regards, Carl-Daniel
I think I can find out why using the qemu option -serial /dev/ttyS1 and enabling debugging mode during windows start up. I just wonder if i can connect another computer to the one running qemu and still get the output send by qemu to emulated /dev/ttyS1. I'll test that tonight.
Regrads, Augusto Pedroza
On 8/8/07, Carl-Daniel Hailfinger c-d.hailfinger.devel.2006@gmx.net wrote:
Hi, i'll have a generic ram detection routine ready by the end of the week that it able to detect any size of EDO/FPM (and maybe SDRAM too) just by reading/writing data. it doesn't need to access any smbus. i'll use this routine to support DRAM initialization on almost any socket 7 chipset..just have a little patience. the routine will not be able to determine any memory latencies by itself, so it may require user interactity or it will just set default values. the chipsets that will be supported: ALi Aladdin III/IV/IV/V AMD 640 Intel 430FX/HX/VX/TX SiS 5501,5502,5503/5120/5571/5581,5582/5591,5592/5597,5598/530 VIA 570M/580VP(VP1)/580VPX(VPX)/595(VP2)/597(VP3)/598(MVP3) before you ask: yes, i'll write a separate raminit.c for all those chipsets..so it may take a while. anyway, the all use the same ram detection routine that, as said before, will be finished by the end of the week. any help is appreciated. if the ram detection works for sdram as well (i didn't took a closer look but i guess it works just like the edo/fpm detection) i'll write routines for various Slot1 chipsets, too. Intel LX/BX first i guess. btw. if you happen to live in germany and you want to donate some of the above listed hardware for testing purpose: drop me a line :) Holger
Quoting popkonserve popkonserve@gmx.de:
Interesting. How will this work without reading SPD data without the smbus? Will it just be able to detect if memory is populated? Size? Other important info to set northbridge registers? Do tell....
Thanks - Joe
since EDO/FPM don't have a SPD eeprom there's no need trying to get any data out of it :) size and internal organisation detection is done by a simple algorithm. i hope i'll have a sample of it ready later. it'll feature the ram init and detection of the Intel 430FX chipset and will have lots of comments :) the rest should be a bit of datasheet surfing and register adapting (more or less). Holger
Quoting popkonserve popkonserve@gmx.de:
Cool for simms, but not sure how this would work out for SDRAM, DDR, DDR2, etc. There is alot of data that comes from the SPD eeprom that the nothbridge needs to set up its registers, and check for compatability, etc. That's where the SMBUS needs to come in....
Still, I am very interested. Can you elaborate on what kind of data the "simple algorithm" will be able to produce?
Thanks - Joe
On Thu, Aug 09, 2007 at 11:03:09AM -0400, Joseph Smith wrote:
since EDO/FPM don't have a SPD eeprom
Cool for simms,
Which I think is the scope of the code.
but not sure how this would work out for SDRAM, DDR, DDR2, etc.
I don't think it's a good idea to try to cover all types of RAM with one piece of code. The different memory types need different init so it will be more like a library.
Yep. There's been some work to unify SPD already, but I think most of the improvements here will be in v3.
On 08.08.2007 20:22, Augusto Pedroza wrote:
As it turns out, current Bochs can run Vista and since we depend on the Bochs BIOS for ADLO, updating the codebase could result in a working Vista. See http://marc.info/?l=bochs-dev&m=118650789913052&w=2 for the success message.
Regards, Carl-Daniel
We are using one of the newest versions of bochs bios and it does work ... sometimes. For some reason it works 1 out of 10 times. Most of the times It shows a blue screen related to ACPI or PAGE_FAULT. Yesterday I almost finished installing vista on a disk image but it displayed a message saying it couldn't set my locale and canceled the installation, can you believe that? I'm trying very hard to connect the virtual serial COM2 port of qemu to my real COM2/ttyS1 port so we can get some messages when turning on debugging mode. I have tried different settings but no sucess up to now. I'll email Stanislav to fins out if he faced the same problems.
Thanks a lot,
On 09.08.2007 14:43, Augusto Pedroza wrote:
The 16bit or the 32bit version of the BIOS? Can you check if the current Bochs code still works with W2k/WXP? If the current code still works, please send a patch updating the code to the list and commit after an Ack.
Heh. That is pure excellence by Microsoft...
I'll email Stanislav to fins out if he faced the same problems.
AFAIK Stanislas ran Vista on Bochs, not on Qemu with a Bochs BIOS.
Regards, Carl-Daniel