Hi guys,
  I have tried in the last few days to debug windows VISTA installation process in different ways. All my tests have been doing using qemu.

At first I tried to debug windows vista using WinGdb, but it seems to work only when windows is already installed since it requires some modifications in the boot.ini file. So was unable to connect wingdb to qemu through a pipe.

My second option was to try to use windows debug mode when pressing F8 during the beginning of the installation process but the only info I found was this:

Debugging Mode: This option turns on debug mode in Windows. Debugging information can be sent across a serial cable to another computer that is running a debugger. This mode is configured to use COM2.

Does anyone knows how to capture COM2 output when using qemu? Maybe using a real hardware makes it easier since I can use a different computer connected to the guest through a NULL cable.

Since I have gotten some random results when using qemu with its original bios, I have been unable to install windows vista on  a hard disk image. Yesterday i almost got it but i created a image file too small, Vista requires at least 6Gb. I guess if I get that i'll be able to use wingdb more easily.


Augusto Pedroza