nvramtool tried to get the CMOS layout from the coreboot option table even when told to take a layout file. This patch fixes that case by slightly changing the order of evaluating the specific options. Now almost all combinations are valid (CMOS content from NVRAM/CBFS/file with CMOS layout from CBFS/option table/layout file).
Additionally I fixed some white space issues (spaces to tabs) and throw in some newlines to aid readability of the code.
Signed-off-by: Mathias Krause mathias.krause@secunet.com
Am Montag, den 07.03.2011, 15:33 +0100 schrieb Mathias Krause:
Signed-off-by: Mathias Krause mathias.krause@secunet.com
Acked-by: Patrick Georgi patrick.georgi@secunet.com
and committed as r6437
Thanks, Patrick