Thank you very much for telling about EC-1.75 project!
Maybe some of its' elements could be borrowed for Origami
if the hardware is similar? (haven't compared the datasheets)
@ Youness and Marty :
Proprietary firmware of KB9012 explicitly disables EDI - ENE Debug Interface
(the protocol used to access the internal memory of KB9012) unless pin
42 is grounded
_before_ powering the KB9012 controller ! Maybe its the same with your
another KB ?
If you ground that pin (not necessarily 42, your KB's pin number could
be different)
to put your EC into debug mode, maybe then you could successfully
read/write it ?
Here is the full description of my successful KB9012 hardware flashing setup
through the keyboard port using a flex cable with soldered wires: 0.5mm pitch
makes it hard to solder directly to keyboard port, and also I like
flex cable solution
because its much faster to remove/insert a cable than to
solder/desolder the wires
^^^ Had to unite three grounds ( programmer's, mainboard's and KB9012's 42 pin )
to make it work
Currently we are actively working on the inclusion of KB9012 flashing support
to the official flashrom - but its already possible via the unofficial patches.
Changes 23258 - 23263 at the
I haven't compared the datasheets of KB9012 and your KB, so I don't know
if they are using exactly the same debug interface or it is slightly different
(please check if there are differences, maybe you'll have to write some code)
I trust hardware flashing more than the software, especially your
current AMI BIOS setup
which isn't free software. Maybe the direct hardware flashing is also
possible for you
Latest status update for Origami-EC firmware:
Best regards,
Mike Banon
On Mon, Feb 5, 2018 at 9:47 PM, Youness Alaoui wrote:
Hi Marty,
Unfortunately, the EC firmware on the Librems is not open and we have
someone working on that aspect, but with everything we have to handle,
I think it's only being done part time.
We found something similar to you with the private submodule for the
PS/2 module on the OLPC code.
More specifically :
I had opened a ticket a while ago here : which mentions Origami-EC. I don't
know the status of that project, maybe you can contact the developer
(Paul Kocialkowski) and see where he's at with his development of that
project (which, I need to mention, hasn't been publicly launched yet,
as far as I know) and he might benefit from your help if you are
interested in doing that.
The last time we spoke he said :
"The OLPC code is nowhere close to usable on any other platform.
Additionally, it is so poorly written that I don't think it is a
suitable codebase for any future development. On the other hand, my
Origami-EC project (that I will publicly launch soon) should provide a
flexible codebase to add support for new devices."
Note that the tracker ticket above is quite outdated, we know how to
dump the EC (the problem was that it can't be done via hardware
because the EC is on the same power rail as the 64KB flash chip, so
when we power the flash via hardware, the EC boots and takes control
of the SPI lines) but for some reason, we could only dump it via
software (using ectool) through the AMI BIOS firmware, with coreboot,
we only get 0xFF returned, I don't believe we had time to investigate
the cause for that.
Sorry for not having any better news for you, but I hope this helps a
little you at least.
Good luck,
On Fri, Feb 2, 2018 at 10:17 AM, Marty E. Plummer wrote:
Currently working on a port for the hp g7-2247us laptop, which features
an ene kb3940q ec, which hopefully should be very similar to the kb3930
ec, which has a datasheet available to the public in a few places.
Said similar ec is used in some OLPC devices, as well as some purism
devices, and I was hoping someone in the list would have some contacts
with those guys so as to be able to use their ec firmware as a bit of a
reference design, but the OLPC ec firmware repo has a 'private'
submodule which I cannot access and I simply cannot find a repo for the
purism ec firmware to reference.
Any assistance you could provide on this matter would be greatly
Marty E. Plummer
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