Paul Geraedts wrote:
My hardware target is the Papilio platform in general [1];
I have one as well, can try to help test.
All current Papilio implementations (to which I count the OLS) rely on UART over USB.
They rely on UART, not USB. FPGA on OLS as well as Papilio has no idea that there is a USB connection at all.
I will try to make my VHDL cores so they will be compatible with both types of boards. I plan to start with UART over USB support for the currently available Papilio boards.
UART is stoneage idiotic useless. It's 2012, so please aim higher.
Basically flashrom SPI access, POST code access and serial console access. This 'playground' should eventually give me enough insight in an optimal implementation when targeting future boards.
Don't invent yet another packet protocol on top of a serial stream, do this right the first time. You're planning on implementing three different functions, and they really do need to use different interfaces.
At the moment I'm working towards a prototype of the hardware.
The Papilio already has everything ready, except for useful host IO. The UART is stupid. I suggest that you focus on one core at a time, and only combine them together later, when there is a useful host interface.