Just wanted to say good luck to you Peter at FSCONS 2007, all of our support goes out to you. Sounds like a pretty cool event to be a part of. Looks like someone from OLPC is going to be there also, huh...
On another note I would like to volunteer my services in the future to represent LinuxBIOS if the Linux World Expo ever comes to Boston again. I have been going the past few years, and just spend most of the time oogling like a little baby. For some strange reason they did not come this year (they just did the San Francisco one), and I haven't seen any future plans :-( But, if they do you can count me in!!
Thanks - Joe
On Tue, Nov 13, 2007 at 12:48:23AM -0500, joe@smittys.pointclark.net wrote:
Just wanted to say good luck to you Peter at FSCONS 2007, all of our
http://fscons.org/ http://fscons.org/node/138
On Tue, Nov 13, 2007 at 10:11:07AM +0100, Uwe Hermann wrote:
They're getting a brief intro and bio from me for that page.
On Tue, Nov 13, 2007 at 12:48:23AM -0500, joe@smittys.pointclark.net wrote:
Just wanted to say good luck to you Peter at FSCONS 2007
Thanks! I think it will be fun.
I'll demo the alix and hope to have some time for v3 hacking before the event - I would love to show v3 on hardware. :)
On another note I would like to volunteer my services in the future to represent LinuxBIOS if the Linux World Expo ever comes to Boston again.
Cool! As long as you're comfortable, I think more speakers is a good thing.