* ron minnich rminnich@gmail.com [140310 23:24]:
Which option ROMs? newish ones or 3c509 :-)? Ah well guess I believe you. I guess I never needed it because in my main uses we did not use or want option roms -- we loaded Linux and there was no need there. Running some option rom in an 8086 mode was never desired ...
It's all work in progress. One day, and that day may never come, I will have to ask you for that patch that obsoletes option roms.
Oh wait. You made that patch already, and the day will come and it's going to be as soon as EFI kicks 16bit OPROMs out of existence. Any generation now.
We've gone backwards in some ways from when Linux was our bootstrap.
Yes, the world became a lot more complicated when we started booting anything but a hand patched single version of Linux on a system not being headless. Unfortunately. That's one thing Apple got right. One firmware, one OS. No messing around with the craziness out there.