On Thu, 2013-08-15 at 16:16 -0700, David Hendricks wrote:
Hi Luke, You may be in luck -- That chipset is similar to a couple others which are already supported for the "Stumpy" and "Lumpy" ChromeOS products.
Funny you should mention Stumpy and Lumpy since the source of firmware one can download at coreboot.org git for these devices has been broken for several weeks now.
Where can one download the sources and build toolchain for the firmware images Google ships these products with? This looks a lot like license terms violation to me, when customer cannot recreate the binary.
I think I have asked at #coreboot a couple of times how to track the revision tags or commit hashes from a production image to the sources. And have gotten no answer.
And to be clear, I am _not_ referring to the sources of the systemagent binary blob of these Intel chipsets here.