Bruce Q. Simmons wrote:
what do I need
to do next?
I'm cc'ing the list so that others may benefit when they search through the list archives. I don't mind the direct mail but please cc the list for any LB related questions and such as there is a lot of stuff that I may not know the answer to or that someeone has a better answer for.
First: You need to figure out how you are going to get LB onto your motherboard. You need to figure out what type of Flash part you have and how you are going to program it.
Who makes your mainboard? Are there specs (or pictures) on-line I can go look at?
What kind of IC programming tools to you have access to?
You need to figure out what SuperIO is on your motherboard and if LB supports it. The SuperIO is going to be responsible for the serial port output. If you don't have serial output. Debugging is going to be _much_ harder. SuperIO's are usually on the ISA bus so lspci isn't much help you have to look on the board and get a Mfg and a part number. If LB dosn't support you super IO it's not hard to add but you will need the SuperIO docs.