Hi guys,
I just came across thinkpad forum thread where people are discuss
hardware mods for getting FHD screen on lenovo x220/x230 laptops. http://forum.thinkpads.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=106919&start=90
What do you guys think, will this affect coreboot at all? Are there
necessary steps before playing with the screen?
Hi all, I was wondering whether there was any progress on this. I have a modded X230 and managed to patch the i915 kernel driver to disable LVDS and get my screen correctly detected as eDP using the stock uefi bios. The patch is attached. Now I am thinking of flashing coreboot, mainly to get rid of the dreadful wlan whitelist, but I am afraid of losing the functionality...
Basically the mod consists of an interface board that rewires the dock DP port (DP-3, PORT_D) to the fhd panel. It would be great if we could patch coreboot to natively support the eDP FHD screen. I am not really an expert, all I could come up with was to change
register "gpu_panel_port_select" = "0" with "3" (that should be DP_D) in mainboard/lenovo/x230/devicetree.cb but I don't think this will suffice at all...
Here is my intel-gfx post for reference http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/intel-gfx/2015-July/072787.html
Best regards