Dieser Termin wurde mit folgendem Hinweis abgesagt: "The entire leadership team can't make it today, so let's take the rare decision to cancel the meeting."
coreboot Leadership Meeting Mittwoch 9. Aug. 2023 ⋅ 19:00 – 20:00 Mitteleuropäische Zeit - Berlin
Mit Google Meet teilnehmen https://meet.google.com/pyt-newq-rbb?hs=224
Per Telefon teilnehmen (US) +1 608-618-4744 PIN: 143813170
Weitere Telefonnummern https://tel.meet/pyt-newq-rbb?pin=6680344120895&hs=0
Anhänge Notes - coreboot Leadership Meeting https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FdgO-uLMmdRzBiOYJmzwaf8MSTVNpn6lHbQk7H8q...
Meeting Minutes - If you don't have edit access and want it, please ask Patrick G.
Organisator Patrick Georgi pgeorgi@google.com
Gäste Patrick Georgi - Organisator gaumless@gmail.com Stefan Reinauer Werner Zeh David Hendricks Noga Smith sheng.tan@9elements.com subratabanik@google.com kapilporwal@google.com hughsient@gmail.com taruntuli@google.com maximilian.brune@9elements.com rangasai.v.chaganty@intel.com vincent.zimmer@intel.com Simon Glass Andreas Huber mattpapa@amazon.com WIM - Optional Dossym Nurmukhanov - Optional christian.walter@9elements.com - Optional marshalldawson3rd@gmail.com - Optional patrick.rudolph@9elements.com - Optional matt.devillier@gmail.com - Optional jeremy@system76.com - Optional Ron Minnich - Optional jaytalbott@sysproconsulting.com - Optional jonzhang@fb.com - Optional zaolin.daisuki@googlemail.com - Optional rminnich@gmail.com - Optional Julius Werner - Optional epeers@google.com - Optional felix.held@amd.corp-partner.google.com - Optional tcrawford@system76.com - Optional Rocky Phagura - Optional Desimone, Nathaniel L - Optional arthur@aheymans.xyz - Optional felix.singer12@gmail.com - Optional stefank.reinauer@gmail.com - Optional Shelley Chen - Optional kramasub@google.com - Optional nico.h@gmx.de - Optional jason.glenesk@amd.com - Optional Held, Felix - Optional felix-coreboot@felixheld.de - Optional felix@felixheld.de - Optional gduynisveld@eltan.com - Optional coreboot@coreboot.org - Optional
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