Dear friends,
as I see by this mailing list: there are enough people using AMD Lenovo G505S notebook but nobody has submitted a report since october 2016... I just rebuilt coreboot, tested and it boots ok - here is my new full report :
But there are a lot of boards which have been without new reports for a long time, or even without any reports at all! (status "Unknown") :P If you have any of such boards, please submit a report: it may be very helpful to other people, especially coreboot beginners who are making their first purchase decision about the coreboot hardware. Instruction how to produce and share your reports - could be seen at the beginning of "Supported Motherboards" page:
For the successful execution of ./util/board_status/ script make sure that your utils such as cbmem and cbfstool - have been successfully compiled. If you still have some trouble: open that script, check how it works and maybe make some edits or extract the commands to execute them separately (while keeping in mind the environmental variables)
After you successfully submit, your report will be added to board_status repository and should be visible at Supported_Motherboards page, just wait until the 2nd minute of next hour then refresh a page. And maybe there will be new coreboot users with this board, thanks to your activities
Best regards, Ivan Ivanov