On 05/26/2017 04:34 PM, Thomasheidler via coreboot wrote:
Is it possible to find out which Sandy/Ivy board supports native ram/graphics init before buying one of them? For example, is there some list that shows compatibility?
AFAIK it is only the thinkpad series 2 (ala x220, t420 etc) and series 3 "ivy bridge" (ala x230, t430) etc.
I believe you would be better off getting a lenovo G505S as it is newer and has no ME/PSP, its agesa is open source and you can probably init the gfx device with linux or openradeonbios (I don't think it supports native yet) The only reason not to is it lacks a dock connector - but it has way more I/O (ports) than a chromebook (I would never buy a CB as it lacks real I/O - it has no ethernet no expresscard and no dock connector)
On 05/26/2017 03:35 PM, Thomasheidler via coreboot wrote:
If the FSP blob is needed, would that be the only blob required?
An FSP version of coreboot is only a wrapper layer where coreboot doesn't init any hardware so I doubt one with that would be what you desire as everything important would be done via FSP/MRC, it isn't really better than a vendor bios all it does is move trust form the vendor to intel which is kind of a lateral move.
Also keep in mind that a "cleaned" ME is not at all disabled or 100% safe in terms of security, we have no idea what the real technical capabilities of ME are as intel is incredibly evasive about this - even if you could somehow not include the ME blob and bypass the 30 minute shutdown defect it could still be loading mask rom etc and you'd have no real way to be sure short of physically removing it from the motherboard (they really should have made ME/PSP a removable module like a TPM)