hi i read your nice sis630 howto, after i finished ther are stilll some questions at first a very essential problem: where to get such a 'Matsonic MS7308E', i googled for it but only fins ome sides i japaneso or some language wich i can't differ as dumb european ;) and the side from ledtech where i don't find a suplier too :( so if someone know where to get this fine mainbords to but a LinuxBIOS on, please tell em :D
secend question: did i realy need this FIZ if i wrrite the FlashRom in the same machine i want to use it? (cause it is very expensiv ... and i am just a poor student) third and fourth question: did i need an additional flashrom or can i use the buildin bios as flashrom and (i read that with an 4mb flash it is possible to put the whole boot proces in it) is possible to get a larger rom (and what is a n approx. price for such a 'ting')
please excure my bad englsh
thx Heinz N. Gies