What you can do. In the Config.lb, set MAXIMUM_CONSOLE_LOG_LEVEL=8 DEFAULT_CONSOLE_LOG_LEVEL=8
then see what gets printed. ALL output goes to serial.
p.s. shameless plug. If you want to bring that board to Hamburg oct. 1 we're going to be doing lots of linuxbios hacking at the linuxbios summit -- you'll have a LOT of experts in the room ready to help.
p.s. shameless plug. If you want to bring that board to Hamburg oct. 1 we're going to be doing lots of linuxbios hacking at the linuxbios summit -- you'll have a LOT of experts in the room ready to help.
That said. Is anyone bringing a via epia with a vt8601 on it? Perhpas we can figure that out while we are there.