This summer, free & open-source OpenSecurityTraining website - will be relaunched as OpenSecurityTraining2 ( ) with even higher quality free training courses! Since Piotr Król volunteered as a content provider for coreboot-related topics, we at 3mdeb developed a new "Architecture 4031: x86-64 Reset Vector Implementation: coreboot" course.
And now, we're looking for beta testers for the introductory coreboot class. If you: * learned coreboot elsewhere and willing to provide your expert feedback, * or you are getting started with coreboot and want to learn it faster, - please help us to improve this class! Feel free to share your valuable ideas, and even the fixes for the auto-generated captions will be a huge help.
Beta testing will end by mid-June, so - if you're interested in this course, please subscribe by this link to access its' beta version -