Here's the list of boards I've got for coreboot testing.
My plan is to get as many of these as I can set up for automated testing.
When new boards are added to the tree, I try to buy them if possible, but that's a lot of boards. I've told my wife that every time she buys a pair of shoes, I get to buy a new computer. It works out well for both of us, but she's still winning. :)
On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 6:07 PM, Sam Kuper wrote:
Good to hear :)
Does the Coreboot project already have an actual physical board for every board listed at ? If not, is there a list of which physical boards the project has (or, conversely, is lacking)?
Thank you for answering all these questions!
P.S. I notice you replied to me individually rather than to the list. If that was not intentional, please feel free to CC the list in your reply :)
On 21/03/2017, Martin Roth wrote:
Well, ultimately, we'd like to have every board in the coreboot tree tested automatically, if not for every commit, at least daily. So in that respect, It's on the roadmap. It's just slow going. Currently only a single configuration is tested, so that's something that would need to be updated as well. Once that happens, I don't have any problem with testing a cut-down ME.
On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 2:49 PM, Sam Kuper wrote:
On 21/03/2017, Martin Roth wrote:
Most of our current automated testing is just build testing, although we're working to expand that. The boot testing we DO have doesn't currently include any boards with an ME - they're currently all boards that don't require any blobs.
Thanks for the info :)
Is it on Coreboot's roadmap to do automated boot testing of boards that have a Management Engine? If so, is my suggestion to also test for incompatibilities with me_cleaner a feasible one?
Thanks again :)