This is closer, I worked out the short-circuit-between-my-ears problem a bit further.
But it hangs at post A0.
On Fri, Oct 19, 2007 at 08:13:20AM -0700, ron minnich wrote:
#define POST_CODE(x) outb(x, 0x80) #define SERIAL_DEV PNP_DEV(0x2e, W83627HF_SP1)
-#include "southbridge/amd/cs5536/cs5536_early_smbus.c" +/* no smbus here */
Not on this board on not on CS5536 in general?
+static u8 spdbytes[] = {
- [SPD_BANK_DENSITY] = 0x20,
- [SPD_MIN_CYCLE_TIME_AT_CAS_MAX] = 0xff, /* not used */
- [SPD_MODULE_ATTRIBUTES] = 0xff, /* fix me later when we figure out */
- [SPD_NUM_COLUMNS] = 0xa,
- [SPD_NUM_ROWS] = 3,
- [SPD_REFRESH] = 0x3a,
- [SPD_tRAS] = 40,
- [SPD_tRCD] = 15,
- [SPD_tRFC] = 70,
- [SPD_tRP] = 15,
- [SPD_tRRD] = 10,
Yep, nice. I like this approach.
+static u8 spd_read_byte(unsigned device, unsigned address) {
return smbus_read_byte(device, address);
- print_debug("spd_read_byte dev ");print_debug_hex8(device);
- if (device != (((0xa << 3) | 1)<<1)){
Can you add a comment here? So this is 0x51 shifted to the left? Why?
What is ENXDEV? Can we make the message a bit more readable?
return 0xff;
- }
- print_debug(" addr ");print_debug_hex8(address);
- print_debug(" returns "); print_debug_hex8(spdbytes[address]);
Put them all on extra lines, please. Yes, it's longer, but better wrt coding-style (IMO).
- print_debug("\r\n");
- return spdbytes[address];
#define ManualConf 0 /* Do automatic strapped PLL config */ @@ -83,13 +135,12 @@
void cache_as_ram_main(void) {
- static const struct mem_controller memctrl[] = {
{.channel0 = {(0xa << 3) | 0, (0xa << 3) | 1}}
I always wondered where this syntax comes from? Why not just
.channel0 = {0x50, 0x51}
What's the deeper reason for this?
- }; extern void RestartCAR(); POST_CODE(0x01);
- static const struct mem_controller memctrl [] = {
{.channel0 = {(0xa<<3)|0, (0xa<<3)|1}}
- };
- SystemPreInit(); msr_init();
Patch looks good apart from a few coding style issues (please fix those).
ron minnich wrote:
This is closer, I worked out the short-circuit-between-my-ears problem a bit further.
But it hangs at post A0.
This stuff looks fine but I didn't build or run it.
Take a look in artecgroup\dbe61. There is some code to print_debug the memory registers at the end of cache_as_ram_main.
So 0xA0 is POST_PLL_INIT. My guess is either a. manualconf is set and PLLMSRhi PLLMSRlo are bad values b. the hardware strap settings are not set. This would be a jumper setting. If it is hardwired on the board and it is not correct you need to setup manualconf.
Try 2.
Marc, it is actually reading the first two SPD values before it hangs.
ron minnich wrote:
Try 2.
Marc, it is actually reading the first two SPD values before it hangs.
This sounds like the the spd_read is wbroken or GLSpeed is not compatible with the memory. See sdram_set_spd_registers and then checkDDRMax in amd\lx\raminit.