I have attempted using Advanced Mode, I get the same error when I click
"Advanced Settings"...
Corrupted interface descriptors in the new BIOS file. Part Table Signature
not found in the Interface. Error code: -161
I will consider trying phlash16...
On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 11:13 AM, Scott Duplichan scott@notabs.org wrote:
Josh Stump wrote:
] Any chances of being able to use a Windows based utility to flash,
] I tried with Pheonix WinPhlash but it gave an error....
The advanced mode of WinPhlash might help. You could uncheck "Verify BIOS
part number"
and "Verify BIOS checksum". The help file shows how to enable advanced mode
by adding
Advanced=1 to the [UI] section of phlash.ini. If that doesn't work, you
could try the 16-bit
version (phlash16.exe).
Even if this lets you flash coreboot using software, you still need a way
recover in
case you end up in a non-booting state.
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