With lots of assistance from Ron Minnich, I've been able to patch a 2.4.20 kernel with the LinuxBIOS extensions and successfully compile and boot from it. I've also succeeded in compiling a romimage for the Intel L440GX.
I've downloaded Intel's latest System Update Package -- lsup2_0.exe -- for the L440GX motherboard.
My question is about what to do with what I've now got. That is, how do I get this romimage onto my motherboard(s)?
Running lsup2_0.exe on a Windows system gives me, among other things, a BIOS directory. This directory contains BAT files, README and RELNOTES, BIOS files, and their IFLASH.EXE utility.
The 1.BAT file invokes:
in which I assume /P gives the file to load (or the first file in a group of files to load), and /R reboots afterward... or not ;-)
Since I don't want to install Intel's newer BIOS, but do want to install the LinuxBIOS I compiled, what do I do, from here?
Any pointers to previous threads about flashing L440GX BIOS?
On Tue, 20 May 2003, Jonathan B. Horen wrote:
Running lsup2_0.exe on a Windows system gives me, among other things, a BIOS directory. This directory contains BAT files, README and RELNOTES, BIOS files, and their IFLASH.EXE utility.
have you tried first installing the bios on that floppy so you know what it is like? I'm not kidding. Do it once or twice so you know when it is working and what the floppy sounds are. The recovery flash on those boards is a full BIOS -- except for display -- so the floppy actually boots to DOS and runs autoexec.bat. You need to learn how it sounds.
The 1.BAT file invokes:
in which I assume /P gives the file to load (or the first file in a group of files to load), and /R reboots afterward... or not ;-)
First file in a group of files, you got it. You really need to find the ancient scripts that take a linuxbios romimage, slice and dice it, and turn it into the sequence of files that iflash.exe understands.