I'm running as and compiling etherboot 5.0.6 + the AA IDE boot patch found on the list causes problems:
gcc -E -Wp,-Wall -DASK_BOOT=3 -DANS_DEFAULT=ANS_NETWORK -DMOTD -DIMAGE_MENU -DBA CKOFF_LIMIT=7 -DCONGESTED -DLINUXBIOS -DCONFIG_TSC_CURRTICKS -DCONSOLE_SERIAL - DCOMCONSOLE=0x3f8 -DCOMPRESERVE -DCONFIG_PCI_DIRECT -DELF_IMAGE -DPOLLED_IDE -O s -ffreestanding -fstrength-reduce -fomit-frame-pointer -mcpu=i386 -malign-jumps =1 -malign-loops=1 -malign-functions=1 -Wall -W -Wno-format -Wno-unused -DVERSIO N_MAJOR=5 -DVERSION_MINOR=0 -DVERSION="5.0.6" -DRELOC=0x400000 start32.S | as -o bin32/start32.o {standard input}: Assembler messages: {standard input}:119: Warning: indirect ljmp without `*' {standard input}:235: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `ljmp' make: *** [bin32/start32.o] Error 1 I think that RELOC is not good value. Why ?