I'm the owner of this MB and would like to ask if it coreboot V4 can be used or is there something important missing?
Best regards,
The board status is work in progress, I own the board and I did the porting.
Go and buy extra flash chip and give a try. You will need DIP8 SPI 8mbit (1MByte) flash. If you need more info just ask.
I think the SATA might have some issues, kernel 2.6.35 seems to have some issues. The x16 slot may not work. The CPU powermanagement could work with a patch.
We started with lennart some testing this weekend. There are two yet uncommited patches which fixes hang of Vga bios.
For a start I can provide you some test images, but in general please always use the backup chip (pushpin method + hotswap). If you need help here let me know too.
the sideport memory is not working yet.
Thanks, Rudolf