I wonder if my board is supported, or by any chance, will be supported in the future?
I've got the MSI G41M-P25 board. It runs with a Core2Duo Socket 775 and DDR3 RAM. The chipsets: Intel G41 and ICH7. Outputs of important commands are in the attachment.
There is no visible BIOS chip on the board. When I go into the BIOS I see it's from Amercian Megatrends, v02.61
Thanks in advance!
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Igor wrote:
The chipsets: Intel G41
I wonder if my board is supported,
or by any chance, will be supported in the future?
With much effort, yes. Someone needs to put in the effort. I haven't heard anyone who would be interested in G41. But sometimes a new chipset port will drop from seemingly out of nowhere, so as long as the chipset is on the market there's still a chance. It would help your odds if the chipset is in Intels embedded line. I don't know if G41 is.