#1: ext2 won't work if FAT is enabled -------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- Reporter: hawke@hawkesnest.net | Owner: stepan Type: defect | Status: assigned Priority: minor | Milestone: FILO 0.6 Component: FILO | Version: Resolution: | Keywords: Dependencies: | Patchstatus: patch needs review -------------------------------------+--------------------------------------
Comment(by oxygene):
After some talk on IRC, it was clear that the patch only solves the issue part-way: FAT isn't a "grab-all" filesystem anymore, but now it's "grab nothing".
new version of the patch with strcmp(...) replaced by strncmp(..., 5), so the 0x20 padding of the type field doesn't interfere.
hawke tested such a change already, so I think it's good to go, but I'll wait for a day for comments.