This wouldn't surprise me. Via did the same with the Waste sources, built their own version for the PadlockSL utility without mention of the fact it was GPL Waste source based. They withdrew the code from their webpage when it was put to them that it was a GPL infringement. They dont seem to understand the concept of the GPL very well.
Adam Sulmicki wrote:
I'm trying to boot from the CF reader on the VIA Epia platform. After reading forums and mailinglist this could be possible by the FastBoot Utility.
But I was a bit surpriced what I found in there... grep linux `find` and look at the 'loader*.obj'-files.
Can somebody confirm this is _not_ distributed GPL code as a binary?
fyi, you can get to this page from :
you can do: wget unzip strings */*/loader?.obj | grep -i linux
it gives you stuff like :
_linuxbios_versionR _linuxbios_extra_versionX _linuxbios_build` _linuxbios_compile_timef _linuxbios_compile_byp _linuxbios_compile_hostv _linuxbios_compile_domainz _linuxbios_compiler~ _linuxbios_linker _linuxbios_assembler
etc, etc.
also that http page mentioned above has contact info. perhaps something to inquire at.
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