Hi all,
I try to use Filo.05 to boot my linux on SATA HD.
But it always halt at "Loading kernel..."
Could anybody help me to solve this trouble??
Thanks a lot
But some error messages occur as below:
malloc_diag: alloc: 232 bytes (3 blocks), free: 16144 bytes
pci_init: 00:00.0 1039:0761 0600 00
pci_init: 00:01.0 1039:0004 0604 00
pci_init: 00:02.0 1039:0966 0601 00
pci_init: 00:02.5 1039:5513 0101 80
pci_init: 00:03.0 1039:7001 0c03 10
pci_init: 00:03.1 1039:7001 0c03 10
pci_init: 00:04.0 1039:0191 0200 00
pci_init: 00:05.0 1039:1183 0101 85
pci_init: 00:0f.0 1039:7502 0403 00
pci_init: 00:18.0 1022:1100 0600 00
pci_init: 00:18.1 1022:1101 0600 00
pci_init: 00:18.2 1022:1102 0600 00
pci_init: 00:18.3 1022:1103 0600 00
pci_init: 01:00.0 1002:3e50 0300 00
pci_init: 01:00.1 1002:3e70 0380 00
Press <Enter> for default menu.lst (hde1:/boot/grub/grub.conf), or <Esc> for pro
mpt... timed out
menu: hde1:/boot/grub/grub.conf
malloc_diag: alloc: 248 bytes (4 blocks), free: 16128 bytes (1 blocks)
file_open: dev=hde1, path=/boot/grub/grub.conf
find_ide_controller: found PCI IDE controller 1039:1183 prog_if=0x85
find_ide_controller: primary channel: native PCI mode
find_ide_controller: cmd_base=0x20a0 ctrl_base=0x20c0
ide_software_reset: Waiting for ide2 to become ready for
init_drive: Testing for hde
init_drive: Probing for hde
init_drive: LBA mode, sectors=156301488
init_drive: LBA48 mode, sectors=156301488
init_drive: Init device params... ok
hde: LBA48 80GB: ST380013AS
init_drive: Testing for hdf
init_drive: Probing for hdf
print_status: IDE: status=0x0, err=0x0
init_drive: Testing for hdf
init_drive: Probing for hdf
print_status: IDE: status=0x0, err=0x0
devopen: Partition 1 start 63 length 153597402
Mounted ext2fs
malloc_diag: alloc: 232 bytes (3 blocks), free: 16144 bytes (1 b
boot =====>
malloc_diag: alloc: 352 bytes (4 blocks), free: 16024 bytes (1 blocks)
elf_load open file name =hde1:/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-1.2054_FC5smp
malloc_diag: alloc: 368 bytes (5 blocks), free: 16008 bytes (1 blocks)
file_open: dev=hde1, path=/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-1.2054_FC5smp
devopen: already open
malloc_diag: alloc: 352 bytes (4 blocks), free: 16024 bytes (1 blocks)
elf_load: Not a bootable ELF image
malloc_diag: alloc: 368 bytes (5 blocks), free: 16008 bytes (1 blocks)
file_open: dev=hde1, path=/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-1.2054_FC5smp
devopen: already open
malloc_diag: alloc: 352 bytes (4 blocks), free: 16024 bytes (1 blocks)
Found Linux version 2.6.15-1.2054_FC5smp (bhcompile@hs20-bc1-3.build.redhat.com)
#1 SMP Tue Mar 14 16:05:46 EST 2006 (protocol 0x204) (loadflags 0x1) bzImage.
init_linux_params: Setting up paramters at 0x90000
set_memory_size: 0000000000001000 - 00000000000a0000
set_memory_size: 00000000000c0000 - 00000000000f0000
set_memory_size: 0000000000100000 - 0000000040000000
set_memory_size: ramtop=0x40000000
set_memory_size: ext_mem_k=64512, alt_mem_k=1047552
parse_command_line: original command line: "ro root=LABEL=/ rhgb quiet initrd=/b
parse_command_line: kernel command line at 0x91000
malloc_diag: alloc: 400 bytes (5 blocks), free: 15976 bytes (1 blocks)
parse_command_line: initrd=/boot/initrd-2.6.15-1.2054_FC5smp.img
parse_command_line: kernel command line (26 bytes): "ro root=LABEL=/ rhgb quiet"
load_linux_kernel: offset=0x2000 addr=0x100000 size=0x17c0ac
Loading kernel...