is there any currently commercially available switch or router hardware (10Gbit/s or more) running coreboot and preferably also Linux?
I'm currently trying to build a PoC network where all components have mostly FOSS firmware and operating systems.
My Wifi access points and 1 Gbit/s switches are running U-Boot and OpenWrt, so on that tier I'm covered. OpenWrt is even running on very few select 10 Gbit/s switches, but there the bootloader seems to be U-Boot+blob. For routing, I'm currently using PCEngines APU2 with coreboot and Debian, but those are not really made to handle routing or even NAT at more than 1 Gbit/s.
Once the PoC phase is done, I expect required routing/NAT/packet filtering bandwidth to exceed 5 Gbit/s and I'd like to use a coreboot based product for that. If necessary, I can add a few network cards to a general-purpose server, but a purpose-built device would be preferred.
Suggestions? Comments?
Thanks, Carl-Daniel