I'm trying to boot from the CF reader on the VIA Epia platform. After reading forums and mailinglist this could be possible by the FastBoot Utility.
But I was a bit surpriced what I found in there... grep linux `find` and look at the 'loader*.obj'-files.
Can somebody confirm this is _not_ distributed GPL code as a binary?
fyi, you can get to this page from :
you can do: wget http://downloads.viaarena.com/WinCE/Apr04/fastboot%20v2.01.zip unzip fastboot%20v2.01.zip strings */*/loader?.obj | grep -i linux
it gives you stuff like :
_linuxbios_versionR _linuxbios_extra_versionX _linuxbios_build` _linuxbios_compile_timef _linuxbios_compile_byp _linuxbios_compile_hostv _linuxbios_compile_domainz _linuxbios_compiler~ _linuxbios_linker _linuxbios_assembler
etc, etc.
also that http page mentioned above has contact info. perhaps something to inquire at.