Another idea, there has been a lot of talk about homebrew LPC ROM emulators. It would not be much more work to make the emulator into a generic LPC analyzer. You could have it catch regular serial, or you could just have print_debug spew bytes to a specified I/O location. With careful design, high speed USB can keep up with the ~16MB/s you could spew to LPC. This would not end up costing much more than the SIO solution, the biggest cost is still the PCB/connectors (male PLCC).
On 11/30/06, Drew Lundsten wrote:
Here's a wacko idea: for systems that use LPC memory, you can use a "biossaviour" like plugin board, with not just flash but also a superio chip on it. Only useful for developers of course, not for the end user.
A great wacko idea! Where do we find which SuperIO chip is the LinuxBIOS favorite?
Maybe Maxim's SPI UARTs are the next logical hack. Anyone know if SPI-flash mobos also leaving off the RS-232 ports?
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