On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 2:51 PM, Aaron Durbin <adurbin(a)chromium.org> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'm going to be working on a part that is an SOC. Because of this all
> the traditional northbridge, southbridge, and cpu are tightly coupled.
> Instead of splitting things out across those 3 directories I'm
> inclined to create a 'soc' directory under src. All the related files
> would fall under there:
> src/soc/<vendor>/<soc_name>/...
> It seems more logical to me, and as I'm sure you are all aware the
> lines are quite a bit of inter-dependencies in products now-a-days.
> I think/hope people won't too upset about this.
SGTM. We thought about doing something like that for the Exynos SoCs
originally but ultimately decided on src/cpu to avoid polluting the
codebase for what was essentially an experiment at the time. Now that it's
past the experimental phase and we're going to see more SoCs in coreboot,
it makes sense to avoid confusing them with the traditional CPU/NB/SB
system architecture.
If you add the src/soc directory, you can move src/cpu/{armltd,ti} into it
as well. We can wait until the next large upstreaming for Exynos stuff
before moving it.
David Hendricks (dhendrix)
Systems Software Engineer, Google Inc.