Thanks the clarification.
I only move idt.c and vgabios.c and pcbios.c to the freebios2 and make it can be compiled into linuxbios. And it should call the Option rom in MB EEPROM or addon on card's expansion rom.
I also find the freebios/util/vgabios. Is that you mean 16 VGABIOS or emulation?
-----邮件原件----- 发件人: ron minnich [] 发送时间: 2003年8月11日 16:21 收件人: YhLu 抄送: SONE Takeshi; 主题: Re: Supporting extension ROMs and beyond...
On Mon, 11 Aug 2003, YhLu wrote:
I try to move the vgabios to freebios2 for 2880. I put the BIOS option rom to 0xfff8c000, ( the second 48k).
ah, well, we shouldn't really do that until we resolve the VGA bios question.
Looks, however, looke tehre is a bug ... Takeshi can perhaps address it better than I.
I did look at our three options today: emulation, ADLO, and VGABIOS.
VGABIOS is almost 100% C save for the 32-16 trampoline code.
ADLO rombios.c is mostly assembly code with C wrappers around it.
Emulation is C.
Emulation is 256K
ADLO is 64K.
VGABIOS is much less, something like 16K last time I built it.
The functions that VGABIOS needs to finish up to have as complete support as bringing up graphics as ADLO are not that many in number. Which makes sense: what a VGA BIOS needs to do is diddle its own registers, so most BISO functionality is not that useful for them.
ADLO will not find the option rom on a card and use it; VGABIOS will.
The most portable long-term way to go is emulation. I don't have room.
These are the issues I have seen so far.
On Mon, 11 Aug 2003, YhLu wrote:
I also find the freebios/util/vgabios. Is that you mean 16 VGABIOS or emulation?
that is the (fixed) x86 emulation code from the XFree86 tree.