awokd had issues replying to my last message in the thread via his mailer so I'm including part of his reply here:
There's another setting in your coreboot/.config file called: CONFIG_ONBOARD_VGA_IS_PRIMARY=y That might be surfaced somewhere in menuconfig but not sure about your board. If it's not, you might have to track down its Kconfig and change it there.
Gave CONFIG_ONBOARD_VGA_IS_PRIMARY=y a try but I ran into the issue you warned about where it bricks my system: after the boot sequence, the OS only sees the onboard vga and never uses the PCIe video card. Made sure by connecting two working monitors.
Let me step back a bit and try to understand coreboot and VGA.
According to :
If you run coreboot on a system with on-board graphics, you have to embed a VGA on the top level, enter the file name of your option rom and the PCI ID of the associated graphics device in the form <vendor_id>,<device_id>
However, from :
On some platforms there's support for native gfx init. A VGA BIOS isn't required.
And on my board's coreboot page :
Native GFX Init: Partial, Text Mode Only, Now features proper EDID parsing.
I assumed this meant I didn't need a vgabios.rom, am I right? Or should I be actually including a vgabios.rom for the on-board VGA even though I never plan on using it? An even stranger question: should I be including a vgabios.rom for the PCIe VGA? This seems unlikely because factory BIOSes usually work with new video cards without needing to update the BIOS.
Or is the issue that SeaBIOS doesn't work in text-mode-only? Maybe I'll give GRUB2 a try, that should work in text-mode-only right?