I'm Jonathan Neuschäfer, a student from Aachen, Germany, and I'm interested in participating in coreboot's GSoC.
I have some questions about the "coreboot on the open source Berkeley RISC V processor"[1] project:
- The project page says an FPGA board with a RISC-V soft-core can be provided to the student. Does this board (or rather: the programmed HDL code) rely on the Host-Target Interface (HTIF)?
In the long run, we should (also) target "untethered"[2] boards, IMHO, simply because they run without the help of another computer.
- Does the board (and the HDL code) have a memory-mapped SPI flash?
I saw that the untethered lowRISC only has a 64kB boot ROM and an SD card slot[3], which would require some form of early block device support, as outlined in [4] (although a simple SD driver shouldn't be a terrible amount of code).
- Does the board have a RAM controller that needs to be trained?
- Does the board have removable RAM? How is its presence and size detected?
- Does the board have a 32- or 64-bit core?
Cheers, Jonathan
[1]: https://www.coreboot.org/Project_Ideas#coreboot_on_the_open_source_Berkeley_... [2]: http://www.lowrisc.org/docs/untether-v0.2/ [3]: http://www.lowrisc.org/docs/untether-v0.2/bootload/ [4]: https://www.coreboot.org/Project_Ideas#Infrastructure_for_accessing_block_de...