So your serial cable connection is right.
I don't know who port the dk8s2, maybe ollie, He may send you one pre-built image.
-----Original Message----- From: Frank Samuel [] Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 6:43 PM To: Lu, Yinghai; Stefan Reinauer Cc: Subject: RE: [LinuxBIOS] Asking help for serial output
--- "Lu, Yinghai" wrote:
I just added s0:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -L -f /etc/issueserial 9600 ttyS0 vt100 s1:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -L -f /etc/issueserial 38400 ttyS1 vt100 into /etc/initab on the machine where I run minicom. And run init -q. After power cycle the machine with linuxbios.rom flashed, but I still cannot get output from serial cable. BTW, I connected the cable to another machine and can recieve serial output of booting process.
BTW, I installed lxbios, and run it right after linuxbios.rom is flashed. But it said that that linuxbios is not installed. Does it mean that the linuxbios.rom generated is still incorrect? The way I flashed linuxbios and ran lxbios is below:
-bash-2.05b# ./flash_rom -vw /home/opt/linuxbios/LinuxBIOSv2-2040/targets/Iwill/dk8s2/dk8s2/linuxbios .rom The arguments are: -vw /home/opt/linuxbios/LinuxBIOSv2-2040/targets/Iwill/dk8s2/dk8s2/linuxbios .rom Calibrating timer since microsleep sucks ... takes a second Setting up microsecond timing loop 454M loops per second OK, calibrated, now do the deed Enabling flash write on AMD8111...OK Trying Am29F040B, 512 KB probe_29f040b: id1 0x7f, id2 0x45 Trying At29C040A, 512 KB probe_jedec: id1 0xbf, id2 0x60 Trying Mx29f002, 256 KB probe_29f002: id1 0xbf, id2 0x60 Trying SST29EE020A, 256 KB probe_jedec: id1 0xbf, id2 0x60 Trying SST28SF040A, 512 KB probe_28sf040: id1 0x7f, id2 0x45 Trying SST39SF020A, 256 KB probe_jedec: id1 0xbf, id2 0x60 Trying SST39VF020, 256 KB probe_jedec: id1 0xbf, id2 0x60 Trying SST49LF040, 512 KB probe_jedec: id1 0xbf, id2 0x60 Trying SST49LF080A, 1024 KB probe_jedec: id1 0xff, id2 0xff Trying SST49LF002A/B, 256 KB probe_jedec: id1 0xbf, id2 0x60 Trying SST49LF003A/B, 384 KB probe_jedec: id1 0xbf, id2 0x60 Trying SST49LF004A/B, 512 KB probe_jedec: id1 0xbf, id2 0x60 SST49LF004A/B found at physical address: 0xfff80000 Part is SST49LF004A/B Programming Page: 0007 at address: 0x00070000 Verifying address: VERIFIED -bash-2.05b# lxbios -a lxbios: LinuxBIOS table not found. LinuxBIOS does not appear to be installed on this system. Scanning for the table produced the following results:
0 valid signatures were found with bad header checksums. 0 valid headers were found with bad table checksums.
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