stefan, I have a patch to on the issue tracker. This patch works as follows: If there is a targets/vendor/mainboard/ that will be used instead of the auto-generated one. See what you think. See example targets/digitallogic/msm586seg/
This is how it looks. ~/src/LinuxBIOSv2/util/abuild/ -t digitallogic/msm586seg ~/src/LinuxBIOSv2/ Processing mainboard/digitallogic/msm586seg (i386: ok) Used existing test target /home/rminnich/src/LinuxBIOSv2//targets/digitallogic/msm586seg/Config- Creating builddir...ok Compiling image ..ok.
The msm586seg now builds correctly in abuild. if this patch is ok, I will apply it or you can.
Also, note that abuild won't create linuxbios-builds if you specify -t ... this is a bug.
* ron minnich [051123 07:12]:
The patch is fine. We definitely need something like this to get around the build specifics of certain boards and the files in targets are not suitable for this.
What's the issue with -t ?
./ -t island/aruma Processing mainboard/island/aruma (i386: ok, we're amd64) Creating config file... ok Creating builddir...ok Compiling image ..FAILED! Log excerpt: :0.0: too few registers ..
So it basically seems to work, except the current svn is broken.
Stefan Reinauer wrote:
was the linuxbios-builds directory there already? If it is not, I get an error.
I will commit that patch, then.
* Ronald G Minnich [051123 16:37]:
weird. which motherboard? I just deleted the directory to be sure and it seems to work.
I will commit that patch, then.
Fine, thanks!
Stefan Reinauer wrote:
weird. which motherboard? I just deleted the directory to be sure and it seems to work.
I'll try it again. Abuild patch comitted.
on to trying to get us back to life ...