On Wed, 09 Mar 2016 22:30:44 +0000 ron minnich rminnich@gmail.com wrote:
That's great to hear. So it sounds like rom o matic would be handy.
That said, w.r.t. features. I'm not big on features. coreboot is a chance to brick your laptop. That means rom o matic should never ever ever give you a bad coreboot image.
What would be cool would be to have a program they can run that creates a string, and the either you paste that string into a form or it connects and pastes it in (but what about DDOS?) and you get back a URL for an image that is known to work. Could the coreboot board status repo be used to determine this?
I think the messy part is that just because you have, say, an "x220", doesn't mean coreboot works on it, because PCs are never the same, even given the same number. So you need a very long signature that can confirm the coreboot running on everyone else's "x220" will work on yours.
Do we have any record as to how uniform, e.g., the x220 experience has been? I know the chromebook uniformity is pretty good.
They are uniform, beside the case of the spi. Most x220 have a spi in a SOIC8, but some have a WSON or mlp8 case.
I had problems with my x220 because I desolered the wson chip and soldered a SOIC8 which wasn't quite supported by coreboot. I say the "normal" coreboot user wouldn't do that ;). They only use a clip.
Best, lynxis