Hi there,
First of all, thanks for upgrading the SVN tree, it now compiles without problems (but still lots of warnings ;) for the Tyan s2881.
I've managed to build a Linuxbios image, using FILO 0.5 and the latest subversion revision of the Linuxbios tree (2141).
So I've compiled filo, built the rom image, and burned the rom into our biossavior. This is the filo configuration file I used:
USE_GRUB = 1 MENULST_FILE = "sda1:/grub/menu.lst" AUTOBOOT_FILE = "sda1:/vmlinuz-2.6.12-9-amd64-generic root=/dev/sda4 console=tty0 console=ttyS0,19200n8" AUTOBOOT_DELAY = 4 IDE_DISK = 1 VGA_CONSOLE = 1 PC_KEYBOARD = 1 SERIAL_CONSOLE = 1 SERIAL_IOBASE = 0x3f8 SERIAL_SPEED = 19200 FSYS_EXT2FS = 1 FSYS_FAT = 1 FSYS_REISERFS = 1 FSYS_ISO9660 = 1 ELTORITO = 1 SUPPORT_PCI = 1 PCI_BRUTE_SCAN = 1 LINUX_LOADER = 1 PCI_CONFIG_1 = 1
I'm unsure about the references to sda in the MENULST_FILE and AUTOBOOT_FILE parameters. This is how my running kernel sees the SATA drives; Linuxbios supports booting from SATA, right?
The Config.lb I'm using is:
target s2881 mainboard tyan/s2881
# Tyan s2881 romimage "normal" option ROM_SIZE = 475136 option USE_FALLBACK_IMAGE=0 option ROM_IMAGE_SIZE=0x20000 option XIP_ROM_SIZE=0x20000 option LINUXBIOS_EXTRA_VERSION="$(shell cat ../../VERSION)_Normal" payload ../../../../../payloads/filo.elf end
romimage "fallback" option USE_FALLBACK_IMAGE=1 option ROM_IMAGE_SIZE=0x20000 option XIP_ROM_SIZE=0x20000 option LINUXBIOS_EXTRA_VERSION="$(shell cat ../../VERSION)_Fallback" payload ../../../../../payloads/filo.elf end
That's pretty much the stock version from the SVN tree.
I used the flashrom tool to burn & verify the image. That works perfectly.
Unfortunately, when trying to boot it, nothing happens. Nothing on the screen (but I didn't expect that as I'm still not clear about the whole vga bios thing). I've hooked up another linux box for capturing the serial output, and verified that that setup works (serial login to s2881 works, running the proprietary bios).
When booting linuxbios, there is no output on the serial line.
This MB has POST leds onboard; when booting from poweroff, they remain stuck at FF when using the linuxbios image. When booting the proprietary image, they cycle through a whole range of numbers, to finish on 00 once the system is up.
I have a feeling I'm missing something important. Any pointers?
Thanks, Ward.
-- Ward Vandewege ward@fsf.org Free Software Foundation - Senior System Administrator
Do you need me to send one prebuilt image to test?
On 12/12/05, Ward Vandewege ward@gnu.org wrote: