Typically this is a ' or a " that's not close where it should, maybe have i missed copy/paste the script. Anyhow here are a new version. Let me know if it goes wrong. Both theses script in the same directory.
Hear script--------------
#!/bin/sh # # Hear script listen & log onto ttyS0 (serial port a.k.a COM1) # # VERSION="24/05/04|09:32:49 MD" SPEED="115200" i="Bienvenu(e) dans Hear! v. $VERSION j'ecoute sur ttyS0 ..." ter=`tty` if [ "x$1" = "x" ]; then echo "Usage $0 log_to_file" exit 0 else LOG="$1" fi echo $i echo "Logging in $LOG" stty ispeed $SPEED stty | tee -a "$LOG" echo "****************************************************" >>"$LOG" echo " Hear! Boot Log started on `date +%d/%m/%y|%T` " >> "$LOG" echo " tty in use : $ter from ttyS0 " >>"$LOG" echo "****************************************************" >>"$LOG"
/usr/bin/time -pao "$LOG" -- cat -sbA </dev/ttyS0 | tee -a "$LOG"
./digest.sh "$LOG" -s
echo "----------------------------------------------" >> "$LOG" echo -e "\n" echo "Please add a comment to this boot log .." sleep 3 vi tmp echo -e "Comments :\n" >> "$LOG" cat tmp >> "$LOG" rm -f tmp
echo "done."
Digest script--------------
#!/bin/bash # # Script to digest hard-human readable hear! logs # Mathieu Deschamps for mangrove-systems # VERSION="11/05/04|09:40:28 MD" SUPP=0 DAT="`date +%d-%m-%y\ %T`" if [ "x$1" = "x" ]; then echo "usage: $0 hear!_log_file [--suppress-log,-s] " echo "v. $VERSION" exit 0 else FIL="$1" fi
[ "x$2" = "x-s" ] || [ "x$2" = "x--suppress-log" ] && SUPP=1
if [ -f "$FIL.adv" ]; then mv "$FIL.adv" "$FIL.adv.$DAT" fi
cat $FIL | while read line; do [ "x$line" != "x$" ] && echo "$line" done > "$FIL.adv"
mv -f $FIL $FIL.digested mv -f $FIL.adv $FIL ( [ $? -eq 0 ]; echo "$FIL digested, rename old as $FIL.digested" ) || echo "Digestion gets harden ...blurp (error) "
[ $SUPP -eq 1 ] && rm -f $FIL.digested 2>&1 >/dev/null
Le ven 21/05/2004 à 17:28, Thomas Spear a écrit :
Mathieu -
I can't run your hear.sh script. I get "Line 25: unexpected end of file" when I try. What do I need to do to fix it? Thanks.
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