I am still interested in lowering the power consumption. To try to find the culprit, I am thinking about monitoring temperature sensors.
On the W520 specs, I see on p 70 ("Thermal sensor"): S0: PCH/BASE COVER S1: NVIDIA S2: GBE S3: WWAN S4: DIMM(TOP) S5: DIMM(BOTTOM) S6: WLAN S7: EXPRESS SLOT
On the W530 specs, I see on p 69 ("Thermal sensor"): S0: PCH/BASE COVER S1: NVIDIA S2: DIMM(TOP) S3: WLAN S4: N/A S5: DIMM(BOTTOM) S6: GBE & WWAN
So basically, on the specs, I see at least 7 temperature sensors, connected straight to a smbus chip (EMC1438-2-AP-TR-GP on a w520) or straight to the new EC (MEC1619L-GP on a w530). But I can't read any of them: even when using the default bios on a W530, I can't get any data.
Apparently the userland tools do not support new thinkpads: /proc/acpi/ibm/thermal shows nothing. lm-sensors doesn't help - I only get the CPU sensors
Using ec_access, the offsets used on older thinkpads (as seen on http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Thermal_Sensors) remain at 0,
In case the temperatures are shown on other offsets, I tried to acquire values for 3600 seconds while doing periods of activity. Plotting all the offset only shows temperature-like readings on 0x78 (the 121st entry). Other candidates with non-zero activity are the 48, 133, 134, 171, 205, and 206 entries, but the plot doesn't look like temperature readings (CSV data available upon request)
So where is the data from these 7 temperature sensors??
I was told the Thinker1 can be accessed by writing to the EC, and exposes more values, but I don't have any example on how to do that.
In the W530 specs, I read "To be monitor S4/5/6 line, EC should enable the function with register" - but I can only read one sensor. I suppose this is what was meant by accessing the Thinker 1.
Anyone has any example??
After some googling, I found a reference to an advanced temperature management mode on https://sourceforge.net/p/ibm-acpi/mailman/ibm-acpi-devel/?viewmonth=201104 : but nothing about how to use it.
In the W520 specs, I read: H8 I2C Bus 2 ADDRESS : 4DH
Resistor value | SMBUS Address GND | 1001 100, 4Ch 270 | 1001 101, 4Dh 560 | 1001 110, 4Eh 1K | 1001 111, 4Fh 1.5K | 1001 001, 49h 2.7K | 1001 010, 4Ah 5.6K | 1001 011, 4Bh
=18K | 0011 000, 18h
Based on my best guess, I suppose on the w520, reading some special address on the smbus will get me that data from that temperature sensors, as selected by a resistor. But I get nothing with i2cdump -y 6 0x4C bp
Is there some code showing how to read the temperature sensors on either a xx20 serie thinkpad or a xx30 serie thinkpad?
Thanks Charlotte