Hi Quentin,
I can tell you how I got the toolchain and source files in place, and compiled my own amd_vsa_lx.bin.
How we take this further and modify the code for the GX2 is another matter. Perhaps we can get some help with this from Nils Jacobs...
I did all my work in VirtualBox VMs, starting with a fresh install of Windows 2000, updated to SP4, plus some newer patches. C drive is NTFS. Then I did the following: Install unzip: I used this one: http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/unzip.htm
Install MASM 6.11: download it from: http://cvrce.blog.com/2009/08/28/masm-v611-free-download/ run setup.exe from the disk1 directory NT only MASM.EXE: no Help files: no Sample programs: no Install to C:\MASM611\BIN add to path C:\MASM611\BIN
Patch to MASM 6.14: unpack ML614.EXE to a temporary directory Follow the directions in README.TXT copy patch files to C:\MASM611 - PATCH.EXE - PATCH.RTD - PATCH.RTP run PATCH.EXE from within C:\MASM611 copy H2INC.EXE and H2INC.ERR to C:\MASM611\BIN (overwrite the existing files)
Install VC++ 1.52c: download it from: http://vetusware.com/download/Visual%20C%2B%2B%201.52c/?id=9008 unzip the MSVC15 folder to C:\ (you don't need to run setup) create environment variable LIB=C:\MSVC15\LIB add to path C:\MSVC15\BIN
I used an Ubuntu machine to get the source files: git clone http://dev.laptop.org/git/geode-vsa
If you've done everything right, then go in to the source build directory, and run: nmake all
Let me know how you make/made out! -Jamie On 12/01/13 01:51, Quentin Bouteiller wrote:
Hi, I am currently trying to compile Coreboot for my Wyse S30 (which is pretty identical to a Wyse S50, for those who have one) by following this
torialhttp://fijam.eu.org/blog/how-to-put-coreboot-on-wyse-S30s50/but I have a major problem.
...as it is said in the tutorial, "GX2 VSA needs to be compiled with an antediluvian and esoteric toolchain from sources that are almost nowhere to be found and embedded within the coreboot image". And guess what? I am no able to get all the components needed for the compilation...