I'm planning on getting a laptop; there's a likely candidate with a SiS 650 chipset. Out of curiosity, is it likely that this will be LinuxBIOSable in the near future? Obviously, I haven't got the thing yet, so I can't send the output of lspci -vv. :)
I'd be motivated to help port, after a couple of years of heckling from the sidelines, especially if the v2 tree holds out the prospect of needing no assembly.
This is it, if anyone is interested:
I would love to see this happen, the only problem will be the lcd control I think.
I would love to see this happen, the only problem will be the lcd control I think.
Hm - I haven't quite got your idea of scale, Ron. Is that "problem" a "slight inconvenience" or "several months and NDA'd docs"? :)
I have seen various traffic go past about video BIOS, and noted how Adam and Adam dealt with extracting the "real" VGA BIOS. Is that what you are referring to? Or, given that SiS make decent chips and Ollie's a nice helpful guy, is there a reasonable chance of success the direct way?
Can anyone comment on the differences between the 650 and M650 (the notebook version)? The chipset is billed as 650, but as it's a laptop, I rather assume that it will be a M650.
The I/O chip is a SiS 962 for what it's worth (USB 2 and FireWire). Anyone thinking of a USB stack yet???
Anyway, it's ordered. More news, including lspci -vv when I have it (they're telling me Thursday).
On Tue, 9 Sep 2003 prl-linuxbios@sychron.com wrote:
Hm - I haven't quite got your idea of scale, Ron. Is that "problem" a "slight inconvenience" or "several months and NDA'd docs"? :)
I wish I knew.
I have seen various traffic go past about video BIOS, and noted how Adam and Adam dealt with extracting the "real" VGA BIOS. Is that what you are referring to? Or, given that SiS make decent chips and Ollie's a nice helpful guy, is there a reasonable chance of success the direct way?
probably but only Ollie knows.