I am booting linuxbios with etherboot and filo as the payload. I tried to follow the s2881 tutorial on the wiki.
Etherboot only finds my cd-rom. When I try to use hde:/ it tells me that "Drive 4 does not exist". All drives up to j except hda (my cd-rom) give the same error message. Sometimes if I try hdg it hangs.
I saw README.filo_in_etherboot where it says it only works on SATA port 1 or 2. I've tried on SATA 0 port 0 and 1, SATA 1 port 2 and 3.
I also seem to need to boot the factory BIOS in between each attempt, or I won't get very far.
Is there something simple I've missed?
Thanks, Myles
Etherboot 5.4.2 Drivers: TG3 FILO Images: NBI ELF Protocols: DHCP TFTP Relocating text ... Scanning PCI: found 30 devices Probing pci disk... [FILO]FILO version 0.4.1 boot: hde3:/boot/vmlinuz... initrd=/boot/initrd... IDE time out No drive detected on IDE channel 2 boot: hdc:/ No drive detected on IDE channel 1