Trying to build an image for qemu and am stumped as to how to get the openbios.elf file? Or should I use filo with using Qemu?
mainboard emulation/qemu-i386
option ROM_SIZE=0x40000
option CC="gcc -m32"
romimage "image" option USE_FALLBACK_IMAGE=1 option ROM_IMAGE_SIZE=0x10000 option LINUXBIOS_EXTRA_VERSION="-OpenBIOS" payload /home/stepan/openbios.elf
buildrom ./qemu-bios.rom ROM_SIZE "image"
-- Roger Key fingerprint = 8977 A252 2623 F567 70CD 1261 640F C963 1005 1D61
Tue Apr 11 21:18:10 PDT 2006
* roger [060412 06:18]:
Trying to build an image for qemu and am stumped as to how to get the openbios.elf file? Or should I use filo with using Qemu?
It's the payload file. you can use whatever you want to. :-)
for OpenBIOS as payload, go check for now.