Filling in the blanks ...
First all functions of a device save function 0 get this error: PCI: 00:11.1 missing read_resources seems like a bug.
So there looks like a problem for functions other than 0.
Bridges don't have a path that is named: @�: bus 0000bc6c, bridge 00000100, type_mask 0x100, type 0x13a44 .:.: bus 00013ad4, bridge 00000100, type_mask 0x100, type 0x139a8 <.: bus 00013ccc, bridge 00000100, type_mask 0x100, type 0x13924
compute_allocate_resources has a bug in that it references a variable 'dev' before it is set. Oddly enough, gcc did not flag this error. I am trying to figure out where this really should be. It's the printk at the top: printk_spew("%s compute_allocate_%s: base: %08lx size: \ %08lx align: %d gran: %d\n", dev_path(dev), (bridge->flags & IORESOURCE_IO)? "io": (bridge->flags & IORESOURCE_PREFETCH)? "prefmem" : "mem", base, bridge->size, bridge->align, bridge->gran);
dev is not set at this point.