Thanks for your help. Certainly that's not ideal, but it may turn out to be our only option.
Currently I'm investigating using proc_pci_attach_device() at the kernel level to add the device from the driver module init(post-program), but it's not looking promising.
Jay Miller 781-229-7812x117 Actuality Systems, Inc.
-----Original Message----- From: Ronald G. Minnich [] Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2004 12:23 PM To: YhLu Cc: Jay Miller; Subject: RE: Adding a PCI device that doesn't exist (yet)
On Tue, 5 Oct 2004, YhLu wrote:
Can you for the FPGA programming in the auto.c and issue an soft_reset
I think this can work with the current mechanisms. You need to have your
chip programmed pre-pci-scan, and the current config mechanism supports that fine.
Is this V1 or V2, I forget.