I fixed up and committed my i440bx mods and the beginnings of support for the Bitworks IMS board that used this chipset.
Hopefull, someone else can take the time to fix my stupid SPD problem and we can get this chipset up.
I've not been back to work to test so its compile tested only. They worked long ago (up to SPD) when I first created them so I'm guessing they still boot. The nrv2b compression is new since then but since that works on other boards hopefully it dosen't break things.
The commit also adds support for NSC pc87351 superIO.
If you look at auto.c in mainboard/bitworks/IMS you will see that dump_spd_registers() and sdram/generic_dump_spd.c are commented out. That's because generic_dump_spd.c expects to find 2 memory controllers and 440bx only has one so unless you mod generic_dump_spd.c to only try one controller the compile will fail. Rather than try to come up with a fix I just left it as is and you just need to fixup your install when you use dump_spd_registers() so that generic_dump_spd.c only does 1 controller. Again someone else feel free to fix this if it bothers you.
I should be able to fire up my old hardware sometime later on this week and verify that the image still boots.