On 22/03/2017, Sam Kuper sam.kuper@uclmail.net wrote:
On 22/03/2017, Sam Kuper sam.kuper@uclmail.net wrote:
On 22/03/2017, Nico Huber nico.h@gmx.de wrote:
Easiest option seems to be to select CONFIG_MAINBOARD_DO_NATIVE_VGA_INIT
Based on your suggestion above, I kept everything as described in my first email in this thread, except that to build Coreboot, I also selected "Use native graphics initialization" under "Devices" within `make nconfig`. (This sets CONFIG_MAINBOARD_DO_NATIVE_VGA_INIT=y in the .config .)
Unfortunately, my results were exactly the same as before, except that this time the backlight came on. In particular, no GRUB2 prompt appeared.
I tried again, this time with SeaBIOS instead of GRUB2 as the primary payload, and with CoreInfo as a secondary payload. As above, I selected "Use native graphics initialization" under "Devices" within `make nconfig`. (See attached .config .)
The result was the same as above: the backlight came on, but there was nothing displayed on the screen.
I do think you are probably right about this issue (i.e. nothing being displayed on the screen) being due to a failure to initialise the graphics properly, and I am open to further attempts to overcome the issue, as my time allows.
Is there anyone on the list who has Coreboot working on an X201 who would be willing to share their .config file, so that I might see how they succeeded where I am failing?