Is it possible to shutdown the pc with an actual powerdown with linuxbios on a pcchips810? I've flashed linuxbios from (I boot from an IDE hard disk) and I've enabled acpi on the kernel. However the command 'halt' didn't shutdown the machine. I had to keep pressed the power switch few seconds for it to turn off.
Is it allowed to insert a custom logo, instead of the tux one which is displayed on the first seconds of the boot? Which file is the definition of the logo, and is it the same format of the kernel?
Is it possible to set the nvram values to have the pc being powered up at a specific time using nvram-wakeup or similar programs?
Sorry for the massive amount of questions but linuxbios is *very* cool!
bye as
Alessio Sangalli wrote:
Is it allowed to insert a custom logo, instead of the tux one which is displayed on the first seconds of the boot? Which file is the definition of the logo, and is it the same format of the kernel?
pergaps I've found it, grepping the source:
on pcchips787.config I read:
# # these actions put the pcx image file on the front of the bios. # the image size is placed in the first 4 bytes then the pcx file # important that ROM_IMAGE_SIZE be set to 128K or larger. # The logo file is called linuxbioslogo.pcx and should be copied to the build directory # addaction linuxbios.rom dd if=$(TOP)/src/pc80/linuxbioslogo.pcx of=linuxbios.rom bs=1 seek=4 conv=notrunc; addaction linuxbios.rom perl -e '@a=stat "$(TOP)/src/pc80/linuxbioslogo.pcx";$$a=pack("L",$$a[7]); print $$a' | dd of=l inuxbios.rom bs=1 conv=notrunc
are there particular restrictions on the image properties? width/height, bit depth...?
bye thank you as
are there particular restrictions on the image properties? width/height, bit depth...?
bye thank you as
The logo file is a pcx file, indexed color (256 colors) 640 x400, depth 8bits. I created it with gimp, but I need to try and remember how. The one thing I remember is that only the first 16 entries in the palette are used. So if you have an image with a larger palette you have to convert it and gimp will do it. But I can't seem to remember how I did it off hand... I will think about it and post a note when I remember or maybe some else can rediscover it.
are there particular restrictions on the image properties? width/height, bit depth...?
bye thank you as
The logo file is a pcx file, indexed color (256 colors) 640 x400, depth 8bits. I created it with gimp, but I need to try and remember how. The one thing I remember is that only the first 16 entries in the palette are used.
I looked into this a little further and I guess I should have made some notes. But it appears that the file was created with Adobe Photoshop rather than gimp, but I don't recall exactly why. At any rate, the decoding is setup to use a palette of 256, but with only 16 colors used since there are only 4 bit planes for this graphics mode. However, there appears to be a difference of opinion about which end of the palette to use, Photoshop uses the upper end, and gimp appears to use the lower end (when converted to 16 colors). I wrote the code to use the upper end of the palette (Photoshop). I think the code should work with either, so either gimp or Photoshop could be used. I'll try to put the changes in the code in the next few days.
In gimp, the menu is image->mode->indexed and then set the palette to 16 colors. Then save the file as .pcx. This won't display until I fix the code, though. For now, you can load the result into Photoshop, convert to RGB, then convert back to index color (select custom palette), and save it, and this should display.
The .pcx file standard is at